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“ It is not enough to take steps which may some day lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day Twenty-Two: Weigh-In 3

Published by Meg at 12:02 PM

Ok, so I was a bit scared to step on the scale this week seeing as when I checked on Thursday, I hadn't lost a single pound. But I was happy to see that today I was down to 284.4. Which is about two lbs. Very happy with this. Since the human body can only burn 2lbs of fat a week, this makes me much more comfortable than losing ten pounds in two weeks like when I started.

Also, I've been exercising now. If you can technically call playing dance dance revolution exercise. Anything to get me off my arse. I also went for a walk--something I should really do more often. I know my pups would be happy to do it. The only thing is I can't go after dark b/c we have a bit of a mountain lion problem. Nearly came face to face with one a while back on a walk. Not something I want to relive. I'll have to find a way to schedule them in, though. Especially since I'm probably not going to take as many classes as I thought this semester.

Doesn't look like I'll get into my chem class. I'm disappointed, but not too much. I haven't been in a chem class in over two years. Perhaps I should go back a class anyways, get a fresh start. Besides, going part-time will give me more time to work on me and get everything in my life in order--and to think about what I actually WANT to do. Honestly, I'd love to just go to cooking school, but I'm still holding out for med school, at least for now. Hopefully the stress of that, if I decide on it, doesn't throw my weight loss efforts. So much to think about.


Anna said...

Congrats on the 2 lbs!

We also have a bit of a mountain lion problem and I'm with ya... I prefer not to ever experience one, except behind a glass wall at the zoo, perhaps. :)

Meg said...

Thanks! ^^

Yeah...I like distance between me and a ravenous predator.

Anonymous said...

I think you're definitely right and losing 2lbs is great! Also, getting into the exercise will help a lot too. I find Wii Boxing some of the toughest work outs my arms get and I get sore for days!

Sorry to hear about your chem class, but stick it out. Like you said, it gives you a chance to focus on what you want to do.

Thank you as well for your comments on my blog and I really appreciate it - please feel free to email me too! I like meeting new people :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 2 pound loss. And of COURSE dancing is an acceptable form of exercise! doh! LOL

LOVE the new look here, might I add! Had to double take to make sure I was at the right place!

Meg said...

I agree, Katy! Wii boxing is really great for arms and aerobics. Thanks for the constant support *hugs* I'll definitely email you!

Thanks Sunny! I thought I'd change it up a bit, was sick of the template I had made. And yes! lol, Dancing is definitely exercise!

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