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“ It is not enough to take steps which may some day lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day Thirty-One: March Goals

Published by Meg at 6:21 PM

Well, last month was great. I honestly did better than I expected. My diet's done a 180, I feel healthier and more energetic. I still don't have a set work-out routine like I would have hoped, but that's ok. I was trying a few things out last month. This month, I'll definitely work more at that. With that said, here's some goals for March! Going to follow Mango's lead and split this in to two sections...

Weight-related goals:
Exercise! 600+ minutes of cardio this month and 90+ minutes of weights. 90 doesn't sound like a lot, but if I'm working my legs running or on the elliptical, then I can just focus on arms and abs--doesn't take that long, since I'm not a body builder. Maybe ten minutes, three times a week, maybe more. We'll see.

Continue to eat well. Right now I'm eating anywhere from 1500 to 1800 calories a day and I try to keep it varied so my body doesn't adapt so quickly. Generally, about 40% of my cals are carbs and 25-30% are fats, which is well on track.

Lose 6lbs this month. I think this is reasonable. It's less than 2lbs a week. Obviously, I won't lose weight like I did at first, but I can still lose a reasonable amount.

Non-weight-related goals:
Go see a school counselor about transferring back to a 4-year university. I'd love to go back to Berkeley. I doubt I ever will. So, we'll see if I can get in down in Southern California.

Pay my car registration and set some money aside. Yay for working more hours--even if it is every damn day and I'm busier than hell now!

Contact the study abroad director about Morocco.

Keep my room clean. Why is it clothes end up in every place possible?

Start outlining and doing character development for my novel. I started writing a novel last November. Let's get that baby finished!

Keep affirming myself that I am indeed awesome. I could use some extra self-esteem, some positivity. It's coming on slowly the past week...hopefully, it keeps coming!

And now I'm off to work! Thanks you guys for your constant support and for reading!


Anonymous said...

They sound like great goals! What's your novel about? You should do a post like a blurb - then we can all get excited and beg you to write more to keep you motivated!! :D

Meg said...

Haha perhaps I will!! I'm pretty self-conscious about my writing, but it would help to get the feedback!

Jess said...

Yeah! I like the weight and non-weight related goals. I mean, real life has to exist too right?!

What I would SAY about the strength training is that us fatties need it a lot. The reason being our fat covers our muscles and since we're trying to burn fat, we need that muscle to do it. When you DO lift, don't be afraid of actually lifting! There is no way you will become a bulky muscle-clad girl. It's just not in the way our female bodies are structured (unless you pump some serious 'roids).

When you do sets (start with 3, bump up to 4 when you can!) make sure the last rep, you can't finish (should be around 10 to 12). That means you're lifting correctly. If you can do a set of 50 at 5 pounds, that means you're just wasting your time :)

Keep up the good work! And good luck getting back to Berkeley! ORRRR come be a Bruin!

- Jess

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