Well I successfully finished day three of week one in the C25K program! I have to say, the last one was a bit harder. The first one took a bit of getting used to and, as I mentioned, left my legs feeling cramped. The second one was a breeze, a little tightness in my legs, but overall not bad; I think I stretched better that day. Today, however, kicked my butt for two reasons. One: I pushed myself a bit harder this time by running at 4.7 instead of 4.5 on the treadmill--I'm walking at 3.5. Two, yesterday's hike.
I have to say, if I could have picked any day to hike the Santa Rosa Plateau, it would have definitely been Saturday. Temperatures didn't top 75 degrees. There were big, puffy, white clouds in the sky--in fact when we first started out at about 9:30am, it was overcast. Sadly, this also means I didn't bring sun screen--and trust me, I'm paying for it! I don't tan; I burn because I'm sooo pale. So even though my lotion had spf in it, 25 wasn't enough to cover me for 4 hours.
The hike in itself was good. I wouldn't say it was too hard. There were definitely some points where I was out of breath. Because I took my mom, and she's in worse shape than I am (even though she is a tad bit thinner than I am), that also meant stopping frequently so she could recover--something I wasn't to ecstatic about since I walk faster and I'm an impatient walker. However, it was worth it, even if my shoulders and back ache from carrying a 10lb pack and my legs are stiff. Would I do it again? Definitely. In fact, I'm going to find a place to hike every month. Would I bring my mom again? Maybe not. I might find a better hiking partner who's evenly matched with me. Then again, I want my mom to get healthy and to get in shape too. We'll see. Next time, I'll definitely bring a camera, though. Can't believe I forgot one yesterday!
Weigh-in tomorrow...plus it's almost TOM. Hopefully I'm not too bloated tomorrow and my joints aren't as swelled. Either way I'm not too worried. Apparently 200 minutes of hiking equates to about 3200 calories burned.
How to Build a Home Athletic Facility
11 years ago
Wow, what a hike! I'm glad you did it! And, I walk with my mom almost every day. She walks a lot slower than me but it's fine because I can see her improvement. She can now walk without getting too winded for a LOT longer than when we started, plus it's quality mother daughter bonding time. So maybe take your mom every other time you go or something :)
Good job with the hike and C25K!
Way to go! That hike sounds awesome :D
Yeah it was a great hike! I generally drag my mom with me to work out at least three days a week(she walks on the treadmill while I use the elliptical)--and honestly, I'm so glad she goes, no matter how reluctant she is sometimes. But I think hiking was a bit too much for her since she kept saying she was going to die and was complaining the entire time. Taking her every other time or even just on easier hikes wouldn't be bad, though!
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