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“ It is not enough to take steps which may some day lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day Sixty: I'm proud of myself

Published by Meg at 10:04 PM

Well it's another month. That's two down! And if I say so myself, I've done pretty damn good. Before I break into my goals for this month...time to see if I did what I set out to do last month.

March weight-related goals:

Exercise! 600+ minutes of cardio this month and 90+ minutes of weights. Check! Totaled in at 857 minutes cardio and 260 minutes weights/core.

Continue to eat well. Definitely have managed this!

Lose 6lbs this month. Lost more than 6lbs--actually I've lost twice as much. 12.8lbs!

March non-weight-related goals:
Go see a school counselor about transferring back to a 4-year university.....didn't do that. I really do need to, but I suppose it's not something I need to do until the end of the semester and it also requires getting my transcripts--which isn't wholly possible right now.

Pay my car registration and set some money aside. Managed both! Set money aside for a hair cut I got yesterday/today (I had to go back to get it fixed....)

Contact the study abroad director about Morocco. Completely ridiculous, but I honestly didn't do this. Which is sad. It's a simple email. *vows to do this the second she finishes writing this blog*

Keep my room clean. Managed to succeed at this as well! Desk has been a bit cluttered at times, but what could I expect, it happens.

Start outlining and doing character development for my novel. I've taken the plot back to scratch? Eh, it was worth a try, but a lame excuse.

Keep affirming myself that I am indeed awesome. Psh, like I need reminding. I'm so awesome, it's a reflex.

A good month's progress I should say. Sure I didn't do a few things, but I'm not going to punish myself for it. I'm working on just striving to be better, not making excuses, and worse of all, getting down on myself for not following through. The only way I'll ever have follow through is if I learn to let it go.

However, I think my drive to do what I need to do is improving. Today for example, I was having a rough day. Yesterday I had gotten half my hair chopped off...literally. Six inches yesterday. Well...the layers in the back were very choppy and uneven, but I couldn't tell with how she styled it. So I went home and inevitably, my hair fell...and I could see. Disaster. It was totally wrong. The sides didn't match up, the layers were hideous and she didn't even angle it enough with the front. So I cried and fretted before my mom made me go back this morning and get it fixed. Luckily I got the manager doing my hair this time and it looks so much better. Took four more inches of the back so it was the angular bob I asked for and then blended in the layers she couldn't get rid of. Long story short...this on top of an enormous fight with a certain guy I should have given up on long ago made me want to lie in bed and not go to class. Yet, I went. Kicking and screaming and even wanting to get up in the middle of bother classes I went. Go me!

And now, I'm exhausted. Will definitely post April goals tomorrow when I have more time!


Jess said...

That's the way! I mean, you can't really be upset over hair. It sucks, but only for a few weeks because it grows back. And, if you REALLY hate it (which you don't now) you can always start wearing cute hats. I always want to wear cute hats. I'm going to try that soon.

That's great that you completed ALL your exercise/diet goals! As for non-weight related goals, the point of setting goals isn't necessarily to meet them (it is eventually) but to serve as a reminder of things you want to accomplish. If you have an aim, a direction, you'll know how to get where you want to go. It doesn't matter when as long as it happens :)

I'm proud of you! Keep it up!

- Jess

Meg said...

Thanks Jess!!

Haha, I seriously contemplated the hat thing. Only I'd have to knit my own since my head is wayy to big to wear store bought ones.

Anna said...

You are showing some serious commitment! Way to go! Ugh I have totally had the bad haircut experience. Glad you took the initiative to get it fixed, though. I usually just throw a tantrum and swear never to go back again. :)

Meg said...

Thanks! Lol, that was totally my plan actually, but my mom pretty much forced me to go back.

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