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“ It is not enough to take steps which may some day lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day Fifty-One: Weigh-in 7

Published by Meg at 6:34 PM

Current Weight: 273.4lbs
Current Mood: Exuberant

Sadly, I think I'm getting sick. That or my allergies are bothering me. I have a sore throat, which doesn't seem like much, but I always get a sore throat before I get sick. I was also around my cousin's baby all cousin's always-sick baby. Children are receptacles for germs.

Aside from that, it's been a good week. My eating's been pretty normal except for two things. One: My mom decided to buy three dozen cookies for visiting family. They didn't stay long enough to eat three dozen...actually they didn't eat any at all. So I've eaten one or two a day. I really shouldn't, and I know I shouldn't, but I'm still fitting them into my fats and calories, so it's not too bad. Two: I went out to eat twice this weekend. On Saturday we went to Olive Garden for my cousin's birthday. Mostly, I had salad and pasta with marinara. Was really filling and I don't think I consumed more than I should have--I boxed half of it and had it for dinner--but it was just too many carbs and not enough protein that day. Then on Sunday family showed up yet again (still they didn't eat any cookies), but we went to PF Chang's and I ate considerably more. Not as much as I would have a few months ago, but still more than I would have liked. I also didn't know I was going out, so I didn't exactly plan it out for the day. But, I still lost 2lbs. So, overall, I don't think it affected me too much.

Also, it's TOM. Not sure I'm bloated; I feel a bit bloated. Perhaps an extra pound? What do I care. As long as I'm losing.


Anna said...

I have problems with cookies, too! lol. I think it's great that you can limit yourself to one or two a day. Sometimes stuff like that can keep us from feeling TOO deprived, you know? Great job with another 2 lbs lost this week!!

Meg said...

Thanks Anna! Haha...cookies can be evil. But, yes, definitely good to not leave yourself feeling like you can't have something.

Dean Sebourn said...

When I decided to lose weight thankfully my wife decided to lose some too, because if there are any cookies, cakes, bad food in general setting around I know I will eat them.

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