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“ It is not enough to take steps which may some day lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day Twenty-Nine: Weigh-In 4

Published by Meg at 12:27 PM

One month. I've been successfully losing weight and changing my eating habits for one month. Go me! If everything goes well from here on out, I should meet my first mini-goal around the middle of May. Today I weighed in, and was a bit scared considering it's that time of the month, but I was happy to see the results: 281.8! I've lost 14.8lbs in one month! I know that this probably will plateau soon--or at least eventually--and that soon this is going to get harder and I may have to change up what I'm doing. Right now, however, I have to say that for the first time in a long time, I'm proud of myself. I'm usually so hard on myself, but now, I feel like I can do just about anything if I can keep this up. And I know I can.

I tried running today. I won't lie, it was terrible. My sports bra was too tight and it kept rubbing, my ipod bounced too much in my pocket, and my asthma kicked in pretty quickly. But, I made it down the hill (wasn't a really steep incline), and then walked back up it...maybe a quarter of a mile. I feel crazy, but I really want to run despite my asthma and everything else I have working against me. Maybe I should find something easier though. Not sure yet, but I'm going to try again tomorrow and every morning the rest of the week. If it doesn't go well, it doesn't and I move on.

This month might be a bit more difficult. I picked up more hours at work and, because of it, things will have to change a bit. No more late evening dinners, since I work nights 6 days a week--have to eat at 6, which I actually hate. I like eating at 8. Hopefully it'll be good for me, though. I'll make more money for better rewards for meeting my goals and I'll be able to pay some bills off. Planning a trip to Spokane to see my best friend and, if I can get financial aid for it, since it's technically a study abroad program, I'm off to Morocco for two weeks. This is BIG. I can't emphasize how big. Morocco is the number one place I have to go before I die. Cross your fingers for me, please!!


Anonymous said...

OMG wow 14.8lbs in one month!! That is totallly awesome, you should really be doing the happy dance right now!

As for the running.... I really like the idea of being a runner too, but I'm just shit at it and I really hate it. I found cycling is good though - that might be a little easier on your asthma?

Also, fingers are crossed for you!

Anna said...

WOW great weight loss in your first month!!!

Congrats on running! that is a huge step and the first one is always the hardest. I hope you can continue to do it and can find a way around your asthma... there are several runners that I know that have asthma and some how manage it. I just did a quick search and found this:

Congrats again on the weight loss! that's fantastic!

Meg said...

Thanks guys!! I'm really happy lol, definitely doing the happy dance.

Thanks for the article Anna! I read it and did as part of it suggested and ran on a treadmill indoors. MUCH easier on my lungs. Though it was still tough. Ended up spending more time on an elliptical lol.

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