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“ It is not enough to take steps which may some day lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day Fifteen: Weigh-in 2

Published by Meg at 2:07 PM

Drum roll please! I weigh....286.2lbs! Huge progress imo. Though of course the worry wart in me is wondering if it's actually safe to lose 10lbs in two weeks. Most likely, not. Still, I'm excited. It also means I get my first present to myself. Have to see what they have at Sam's Club today--might get a book instead of a movie, who knows. Actually, I did want that Spark book.

Also, I didn't touch a single piece of candy yesterday. Of course, it was too busy to even think of doing that. Didn't get out of the place until 15 minutes after I was supposed to leave. By then, I was too tired to remember what candy was.

Is it sad I had hoped the bf would swallow his pride and at least talk to me yesterday? He didn't. Even though I had told him Happy Vday. It's not even that I'm into Vday--I think it's a lot of commercialism and guys should be romantic despite some holiday. The point is I reached out first--and I don't think I was the one that should have. And he didn't even respond. I got more affection out one of my guy friends than I did from him.

Eh, I don't care. I lost 10lbs! *dances*


Anonymous said...

Way to go, Meg! That's awesome! Enjoy your reward :D

I'm sorry about the bf thing and that he's not able to be mature about thing, but I'm hoping he comes around.

Good luck for week 3 Meg!

Meg said...

Thanks so much!!

Well, we actually ended it, but it's for the best. If things end up working out, they do, if not, well it's ok too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks fantastic! I'm sorry your (ex?) bf is being a jerk. He doesn't deserve you!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the weight! And it's actually pretty usual to lose a lot of weight at first. My mom lost a ton her first few weeks. You'll level out in a bit.

Meg said...

Thanks Sunny! You're right, I deserve better.

Phew, that makes me feel better. Thanks love <3

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